What to Know About Your Bill

We recognize that certain customers may experience financial difficulty as a result of the coronavirus outbreak, whether they or a family member fall ill, are required to quarantine, or because their income is otherwise affected. We hope to alleviate our affected customers’ concerns about their electricity and natural gas service during this time.
As a result, National Grid is temporarily suspending collections-related activities, including service disconnections, to lessen any financial hardship the COVID-19 pandemic may have on our customers. These policies are effective immediately and will be in place through the end of April. We will evaluate their continued need at that time. Please note that regular billing will continue for all customers.
To conveniently manage your account, you can do so online and avoid longer than usual wait times in the call center. You can also continue to pay your bill or find assistance through a variety of online tools. Please visit ngrid.com/billpay to explore convenient options including:
Paperless Billing
Pay by Bank Account
Pay by Credit Card (fees apply)
Automated Payments
Budget Plan
Assistance Programs